Thursday, November 4, 2010

doctor's visit went well. the ultrasound was first, and the tech didn't really say much of anything. i don't think she would have given me any photos if i hadn't asked for them, and she explained exactly nothing. i'm glad that i did my own research on the NT scan and could more or less identify what i was seeing. she didn't even tilt the screen all the way towards me; i think andy saw more than i did as he wasn't on his back.

following that was the blood test part of the screening (just a finger prick, which i can handle) and then a visit with the midwife. i liked her a bit more than the actual doctor (who i didn't see at all today), she was more cheerful and warm. she brought in her doppler and found the baby's heartbeat literally IMMEDIATELY. it was awesome, i've heard so much about having to search for a heartbeat but it was just instant, as soon as she pressed it against my belly.

anyway, onto the pictures!

if you can get past the terrifying halloween teeth, you can see that the baby has its hand in its mouth. :3

baby says thumbs down.

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